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GM mums escorted out of Woolworths
GM mums escorted out of Woolworths
Activists occupy supermarkets in Sydney and Melbourne

But at just after 10am, the six activists in Sydney were carted out of Woolworths by police and taken into custody.

"It seems astounding that rather than take the precaution of taking a contaminated product off the shelves, Woolworths chose to have a group of female peaceful protestors arrested," said Greenpeace campaigner Laura Kelly.

In Melbourne, there were no arrests and the remaining activists left the Coles store at around 3pm after handing the S-26 to customer services.

Negotiations with the supermarkets are on-going.

Meanwhile, S-26 manufacturer Wyeth today admitted in a statement that they have seen evidence their product is GM contaminated. But despite this being the 10th documented occasion S-26 has tested positive, Wyeth are still blithely maintaining that the contamination is unintentional.

"This incident shows why the government needs to make sure all GM is labelled. At the moment, multinationals like Wyeth are shamelessly exploiting the giant loopholes in our legislation," said Kelly. "Mothers shouldn't need to be arrested to protect their children from GM. The government needs to take action now."

Our six activists will go to court in Sydney on October 26.

Demand action from Nicola Roxon now!

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