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Parents are being kept in the dark about feeding GM products to their babies which have never been proven safe.
Parents are being kept in the dark about feeding GM products to their babies which have never been proven safe.
New test results in: GM food for babies

In the past fortnight, Greenpeace and fellow Truefood Network members have taken action across Australia to protest that untested GM products are being used in Australian breastmilk replacement formula for infants.

Independent testing conducted by Greenpeace has found that some of Australia's leading infant formula brands are contaminated with GM. These brands are S-26 Soy, made by the giant pharma company Pfizer and Karicare Food Thickener, marketed at babies with reflux.

Genticially modified products have never been proven safe for babies to eat. Neither of the infant food products that tested positive for GM carry a GM warning label. This means that parents are currently feeding their babies GM, including DNA from antibiotic resistant marker genes, without knowing it. They are completely in the dark.

If you object to untested, GM products being fed to babies without their parent's knowledge and consent, then take action now. There is a federal review of GM labelling laws happening right now. Tell the Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, that it's not ok for GM products to carry no warning label.


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