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Ami Hillage
Ami Hillage
Truefoodie of the month: Ami Hillege

The Truefood Network is made up of over 30,000 passionate chefs, farmers and everyday people uniting to protect Australia from genetic engineering. Ami Hillege from Gerangamete in Victoria moved to a farm to make sure her food is as true as it comes.]

My new life on the land

“Eight months ago my husband and I left the city to start life on a small farm on the Otways in Victoria. Our aim is to live as sustainable and self-sufficiently as possible. And so far so good. We have just completed our first cycle of growing our own veggies. All organic. That goes without saying. We're committed to farming our little patch without any nasties! We are learning about the soil and are composting and applying as many organic and permaculture techniques that we learn about. There is a lot to be done on the farm, but we're learning and getting things done. This winter we want to plant a whole heap of trees. More fruit trees and trees for future wood fire use.”


Check out Ami’s blog about her country adventures at

We’d love to profile you! Send us your pic and a short quote (or even a blog) about why you’re passionate – and how! (Eg Do you buy organic, grow your veggies, use the TrueFood Guide, tell your friends about the dangers of GM or write to your local member?).

We’ll send you some heirloom Tommy Toe Red tomato seeds and profile you in an upcoming newsletter.

Truefood Network