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New studies reinforce health concerns about GMOs

Published in the journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology, results of the study show that rats fed GM corn over their lifespan suffered mammary tumours and severe liver and kidney damage. The study was conducted over two years and is one of the longest ever study to be conducted by independent scientists into the safety of eating GM. And the GM corn that was used in the study is authorized for consumption in Australia! Despite the controversy generated by the results and the methodology used, the debate around the work has brought into sharp focus the fact that no suitable, universally agreed protocol for carrying out such long term tests currently exists.
Other internationally renowned scientists have also raised alarm bells over the impact of GM wheat on our bodies. Their expert scientific opinions link GM wheat, which is currently being trialed in Australia, to potential liver and kidney failure. The scientific report has gained considerable media attention and prompted the leader of the WA opposition party to call for a moratorium on growing GM wheat in WA. 

Ask the federal government to deliver on its election promise and make sure GM organisms are “safe beyond reasonable doubt” and properly labelled before introducing them in our food.

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