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Truefoodie of the Week: Jeani-Rose Atchison

I am a wife and the mother of five daughters. I believe that the biggest problem in our society is in the purity of the source of our food and in the farming, processing and preparation of it. I also believe that everyone has the right to know where their food comes from.

I strongly believe that one person can make a difference and it can be achieved in the kitchen by the choices an individual makes. We can make a powerful statement by avoiding the purchase of any food other than organic which, at this time, is the only assurance that we will avoid contaminated food products.  Buying local and direct and having close relationships with our farmers would effectively stop big corporations in their tracks.  Instead of looking at food choices based on convenience, educating our children on the importance of our daily nourishment is what is going to shift our consciousness from that of victim to one of self-sustainability and life-long health.

Check out Jeani-Rose’s Healthy Food, Healthy Life blog here >

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