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An exciting new chapter for the Truefood Network

Dear Truefoodies,

I’m thrilled to announce a new chapter for the Truefood Network. The network will soon be leaving Greenpeace Australia Pacific so that our friends at The Safe Food Foundation can take it to exciting new levels during 2013 and beyond.

When Greenpeace started the Truefood Network in 2002, the objective was that, one day, it would be strong enough to flourish independently. I’m happy to say that this day has now come.

The Truefood Network s now 22,000 Australians. With your continued dedication and commitment I’m confident this community will continue to do great work. The Safe FoodFoundation will be in touch with you soon by email to seek your input as they refine the strategic direction and activities of the Truefood Network.

On behalf of the team at Greenpeace, thank you so much for your continued involvement working together for a green and peaceful future for all.

Best wishes,

David Ritter
Chief Executive Officer
Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Truefood Network