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Three risky varieties of GE corn are already in our food chain
Three risky varieties of GE corn are already in our food chain
New evidence of health risks associated with GE corn

The study analysed the results of feeding studies on three varieties of GE corn (MON810, MON863 and NK603) and found evidence of liver and kidney toxicity in rats fed the corn. All three varieties have been approved by our food regulator Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) as safe to eat and are allowed in our food.

The study was conducted by French scientists at the Universities of Caen and Rouen. The team examined the data from feeding tests conducted on rats on behalf of the US company Monsanto. One type of maize is tolerant towards a specific herbicide (NK603). The two other varieties produce an insecticide (MON810 and MON863). All the maize varieties have been licensed for several years now to be imported into and processed in Australia for feed and food use. 

According to Professor Séralini and his team at the CRIIGEN (Committee of Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering), potential harm to human health cannot be ruled out.

This new scientific study adds to a long list of independent studies, consistently ignored by FSANZ, showing the potential health risks of GE products. So far FSANZ has approved as safe every GE food to pass its desk.

A recent report endorsed by 10 leading scientists raises serious concerns about the methods used by FSANZ to assess the safety of GE food.

Louise Sales, genetic engineering campaigner with Greenpeace said "It is clear that no regulatory authorities can ever assure the food safety of GE crops. Therefore, the precautionary principle should be implemented and no GE crops authorised for food, feed or cultivation".

Greenpeace is calling for the Federal Government to urgently reform the assessment process and ban the three GE maize varieties addressed by the study. The vested interests of a handful of biotech companies cannot be put ahead of our health.

Take action: sign our petition calling for the proper labelling and safety assessment of GE food.

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