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Community opposition to GE crops in WA continues to grow, despite the Government's disregard for public opinion
Community opposition to GE crops in WA continues to grow, despite the Government's disregard for public opinion
GE campaign loses WA by just 2 votes

In January this year, WA Agriculture Minister, Terry Redman, introduced laws to allow GE canola to be grown in WA for the first time. In doing so, he went against public opinion and the recommendations of his own expert committee.

The GE-Free alliance has been organising since January to get the Minister's legislation blocked, and on March 10, came close to succeeding. Two members of the Government abstained from voting. Two more had promised to do so, and if they had followed through on this promise, Government's attempt to introduce GE canola would have been blocked.

Unfortunately, a number of Government MPs who had threated to cross the floor on the issue caved at the last minute under pressure from their party. The GE-Free alliance lost it's vote by 24 to 26; by just two votes.

The WA GE-Free alliance will keep organising in the state and will take the vote to block the Government's legislation to the Upper House in the coming weeks. If you're in WA, you can sign the petition here.

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